Entä Ukko, Kyöpeli, Kiimajärvi, bPuutossalmi/b, Rykimäkero, Pöljä tai Amerikka? "Kramppiko se oli? Kramppi kiusaa, mutta esiintyy myös merikartassa. Kramppi on saari Rymättylässä. Nimen taustalla on ruotsin kieli ja merenkulun kannalta ...
Rain, or rather, large buckets of water were poured on me by the time I reached the bPuutossalmi/b?s cable ferry some 25 kilometers south of Kuopio. Even though I wore my poncho I was wet through and through by the time I stepped of the b.../b
Rain, or rather, large buckets of water were poured on me by the time I reached the bPuutossalmi/b?s cable ferry some 25 kilometers south of Kuopio. Even though I wore my poncho I was wet through and through by the time I stepped of the b.../b