Plan miasta Puutossalmi

Puutossalmi - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Paikkala Sirkka (toim.) - Suomalainen paikannimikirja b.../b

Entä Ukko, Kyöpeli, Kiimajärvi, bPuutossalmi/b, Rykimäkero, Pöljä tai Amerikka? "Kramppiko se oli? Kramppi kiusaa, mutta esiintyy myös merikartassa. Kramppi on saari Rymättylässä. Nimen taustalla on ruotsin kieli ja merenkulun kannalta ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Around the Lake and Over the Hill

Rain, or rather, large buckets of water were poured on me by the time I reached the bPuutossalmi/b?s cable ferry some 25 kilometers south of Kuopio. Even though I wore my poncho I was wet through and through by the time I stepped of the b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

Around the Lake and Over the Hill

Rain, or rather, large buckets of water were poured on me by the time I reached the bPuutossalmi/b?s cable ferry some 25 kilometers south of Kuopio. Even though I wore my poncho I was wet through and through by the time I stepped of the b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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